D2022 | D2040

Cut-off Inserts Code

The above code example describes a turning insert with a cutting width of 2.2 mm, a neutral angle of attack and 0.2 mm corner radii. It was specially developed for fine cuts and is manufactured in Denitool Grade DX50. This means that it is made for steel, difficult to process stainless steel, gray and ductile iron with high cutting speed. It has high thermal stability and is excellent for use in dry machining applications.

Used in these Denitool products


1. | Insert shape

Code shape
D2 Cut-off insert with one cutting edge

2. | Cutting width

Code Cutting width
022 2.2 mm | .087 in
040 4.0 mm | .157 in

3. | Hand of tool

Code Hand
L Left
N Neutral
R Right

4. | Angle of attack

Code Angle of attack
10 10°
16 16°

5. | Chip breaker

Code Chip breaker
CF fine-cutting
CM medium cutting

6. | Corner radius

Code Corner radius
00 sharp edge, no radius
02 0.2 mm | .0079 in

7. | Coating

Code Substrate Coating Color
DX50 Tungsten Carbide PVD Gray


Upon request

Upon request