We are happy to announce a new peripheral ground & highly polished insert with excellent chip control features: VCGT 0702R FN-18M This new insert introduces excellent chip control for Swiss-type machines as well as for internal machining. [...]
We are happy to announce a new, highly polished insert with excellent cutting edge stability allowing fo longer tool life, reduced downtime, as well as reduced tooling costs: VCGT 1303R FN-18M DX2
Due to massive price increases on carbide shank blanks - expecially for larger diameters - we have completed the program with additional types with a shorter shank, in order to offer cost-effective alternatives. In addition to the known standard boring bars the following short-shank versions can be ordered immediately.[...]
Reduce tooling costs by utilizing inserts with increased performance
We are happy to announce the new peripheral ground insert design with significantly improved cutting performance which will replace our previous offering SCMT 060204 EN CCGT 06020R EN / SCGT 06020R FN